Full support for strike from British and Danish trade unions
Industri Energi is experiencing full support for a strike against SLB UK from other offshore unions around the North Sea basin.
In recent days, Industri Energi has had regular contact about the announced strike against SLB UK with both British and Danish trade unions.
– We give full support and recognition of the planned strike taking place from midnight 30 March. It is of no surprise that SLB UK do not want to recognize the oil service agreement (OSA), at the same time attempting to drive down UK workers terms and conditions in the Norwegian sector, David Dunsmore of Unite writes in an email.
Unite is the UK’s second largest trade union with over 1.2 million members.
Regional organiser in the British RMT, Jake Molloy, states that they stand in solidarity with the employees on “Island Captain”.
– RMT supports your fight for collective bargaining rights with the employer SLB and we will stand shoulder to shoulder with our Industri Energi colleagues in the struggle to secure fairness and natural justice, says Molloy.
RMT organizes, among other things, employees on vessels and rigs on the UKCS, as well as ports and supply bases. The association has 83,000 members.
The section that organizes seafarers and offshore employees in Denmark in the union Dansk Metal also gives full support to a possible strike against SLB UK. Dansk Metal has over 100,000 members.
– Metal Maritime stands behind our Norwegian colleagues from Industri Energi and the people on board “Island Captain” in their fight to achieve a collective agreement and Norwegian conditions on vessels in the Norwegian sector, says specialist Christian Petersen in Metal Maritime/Dansk Metal.
Since the ship is based in the Danish town Esbjerg, this is a matter that is noticed in Denmark.
– We will work with local trade unionists in Esbjerg to support our Norwegian and British comrades in their fight for orderly relations, he points out.
The Catering Offshore Trade Association (COTA), which represents over 3,000 employees in seven catering companies on the UK continental shelf, also announces that it is giving its support to the strike.