The trade union for those who work in the industry and energy sectors
We negotiate with your bosses on your behalf. And we put pressure on the politicians to improve the conditions for workers. Together our influence grows stronger.
Compensation for quarantine
To members of Industri Energi who have undergone mandatory quarantine in their free time.

Member benefits
As a member of Industri Energi, you enjoy many benefits, in terms of wages/salary protection, working hours and other social benefits.
Membership also gives you access to excellent insurance options and other membership benefits, e.g. rental cars, holidays/experiences, mobile telephone/broadband through LOfavør.

Why become a member?
By joining Industri Energi you will never have to stand alone.
We have more than 3000 union representatives and many employees with a high degree of competency in labor laws and intimate knowledge of your industry.
Through membership with us and our very favorable insurance policies, you can receive assistance when you need it, both at work and in your private life.

The Norwegian model
The Norwegian model has proved resilient and it generates interest among social engineers in other parts of the world. It has produced high rates of employment, effective adaptability and a learning world of work. This society did not create itself. Organised interest communities have been instrumental in developing Norway’s democracy and welfare state.
The labour movement in particular has played an important role in ensuring democracy, economic growth, gender parity, balanced redistribution and safety for all citizens. Political cooperation has been instrumental in imprinting our values on the Norwegian society and will continue to do so in future. Today, Norway proves that balanced redistribution is not an obstacle to economic growth but rather a precondition.
Frode Alfheim, president of Industri Energi.
Photo: Atle Espen Helgesen

Do you need help in the workplace?
You are always entitled to assistance in the event of a breach of the Norwegian Working Environment Act as well as in the event of an occupational injury or dismissal.

Norway’s best insurance
Membership gives you access to some of Norway’s best insurance options, through LO Favør.

Free courses and conferences
We arrange several free courses and conferences, and you can apply for support from LOs educational fund!