Frequently Asked Questions
This page was last updated on 08.06.2023
The deadline for joining the suit was 14 May 2023 and has now passed.
Industri Energi will not take further steps in cases that have not been submitted before this deadline
All cases have now been submitted to the conciliation council. We do not have the capacity to provide updates in individual cases.
Our Shop Stewards will receive periodic updates and will be able to inform you of this.
The Show Stewards have been given a list of names of the included members of their club and been tasked with keeping you up to date.
We no longer answer questions at that e-mail address.
Enquiries regarding individual cases must be directed to your local Shop Steward.
If you do not have a Shop Steward, contact Industri Energi via e-mail: post@industrienergi.prod.dekodes.no